US Scenes Image sales and licensing

     US Scenes Panoramic images vary in size depending on the source images. As a rule of thumb, most images measure approximately 7.75" wide by 31" long. Some images can be printed up to 11.75" wide by 44" long. Images are printed on Epson® premium photo paper, either gloss or matte finish. The prints are printed with Epson® 6 color Dye based photographically superior photo ink.  Due to variations during the print processing, no two prints of the same subject are the same size, color,  or exactly alike. US Scenes Panoramic Images are available framed and matted, or un-framed. Contact us to determine framing options and pricing. Shipping is included with all un-framed printed image sales

    US Scenes Standard Stock images are available in four stock sizes... 4 x 6, 5 x 7, 8 x 10, and 11 x 17. Some images can be custom printed up to mural size. Standard stock Images are printed on Epson® premium photo paper, either gloss or matte finish. The prints are printed with Epson® 6 color Dye based photographically superior photo ink.  Due to variations during the print processing, no two prints of the same subject are the same size, color,  or exactly alike. US Scenes Standard Stock Images are available framed and matted, or un-framed. Contact us to determine framing options and pricing. Shipping is included with all un-framed printed image sales

US Scenes Image Licensing: All photographs and other works on this web site are created by, and Copyright ©2001-2009 by Don Bouchier, unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. Images requested and purchased through, or are offered on an individual license basis - sometimes referred to as Rights Managed Licensing. The copyright of the image is always retained by Don Bouchier. These licenses serve to protect the rights of the photographer, and even the subject matter of the images. By use of this website, you hereby agree not to use any work on this web site for any unauthorized use whatsoever, including (but not limited to) incorporating these photographs or other works in any form into another website or using them in any form in any commercial or non-commercial endeavor, without the express written consent of Don Bouchier. For questions about these terms send comments via our contact page.